No matter how many plans you make or how much in control you are, life is always winging it.


Dear Irfan,

Life’s specially disappointing today after having to face that a legend left us sooner than we were ready for. But when are we ever ready for a loved one’s death so time might be an ignorant word here. I don’t know what to say, you were like a bright shining sun on our skies and now it feels like night has overshadowed us. It screeches us to our misery of the series of regrets because we’re never really paying attention until something falls apart. You drifting off this world is like an alarm on our ears to wake up. Things go by unsaid and we realise we never said what should’ve been said. You gave this world something beyond your craft. You’ll always be remembered in our hearts. I wish wherever you are, you lie in peace and eternal love. 🙏❤️




Has your sadness ever
turned into fear? Like this
is how it’s ever going to be?
And the fear isn’t of lifelong
sadness, it’s that of scarcity
of your survival strength.
Are you going to make it
till the end, or are you just
gonna be trapped inside
this mind forever and trip
eventually in a never ending
abyss. Probably things are
good out there, I don’t know,
maybe. But inside this head
is a dark, haunted forest, climbers
hanging around from the trees.
The surface filled with leaves
crying out old-age; dry,
stiff, like death is one
foot-crush away. There’s deafening
silence, the echo of it vibrates
in your ears. When did this happen?
What so bad happened to you
that you bent this way, like
an old woman with a painfully
hunched back, who walks
around the forest carrying
a bag of dead hopes hanging
on her bony shoulder. The
stubborn hair  lie on her face
and she can watch through
each section of her hair,
a different world. And of all
the world she sees, there’s
a world of daylight. Birds
chirping and hopping on
green trees. Some leaves
are on the ground but that’s
too less to bother those
smiling eyes,and all of a
sudden she’s a kid again.
She keeps fluctuating within
her worlds and though the
daylight comes very less often,
for very short periods, that’s the
one she keeps holding  her
heavy bag for. And while it’s tough
to say this right now, but I’m going
to hold onto that story of my heart
and sing it to my head too, each night.

Thankyou for reading 🙂

Published by theperspective


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